Thursday, February 16 - Uni Blog From now on all uni blogging can be found at Wilsonz Uni Blog. I've done this because this blog is taking monster time to republish and it's just getting on my nerves. This blog will stay around but I'll probably post in it a lot less or even not at all.I am just SO happy right now. I've been sitting in my new room in my new house at my new uni since friday without the internet and without being able to call people outside the university on my telephone. So i've been totally in isolation. Argh, and I ate mouldy bread an hour ago. Argh. So I prepared for this moment fully by writing a long long long blog post in notepad about what i've been doing for the past couple of days. I suggest reading it in sections or you shall get bored. So I'm gonna post it bit by bit. FRIDAY I figured a couple of people would want to know what I’m up to at the moment so here is my temporary-before-I-actually-have-internet-access blog post. I miss home; actually it’s less of me missing home and more of me wishing I was anywhere else but here. No, I’m exaggerating; it’s really not that bad… Left home at 7am Friday morning, arrived in Berra at about 11am. They said they didn't have a room for me yet and to come back in an hour so the family and I walked around the Uni for a bit, i withdrew some money (which I haven't actually spent yet) and I bought two of my text books. I bought my Management one and my Marketing one, each of them was $105.95 but I ended up EFTPOSing my Keycard, something i've never done before but will probably end up being very handy. Have to carry around less cash. Anyway we meandered back up to the Hut and asked them if I had a room yet, father paid a truckload of money (all the while complaining that it was more expensive than mitchell's accommodation - might I point out to the jury that as I was choosing my accommodation he said "I don't mind about the price, just pick the one you would prefer" and I also ended up in the cheapest possible option anyway). So we paid and I signed away my firstborn child and a girl showed us down to "Arscott House"; the place where I would be spending my next twelve months. In some ways i think i've bitten off a bit more than I can chew. It's a big change, everyone's been saying but is there a cut off point? At some point in time does it just become too difficult? Are we allowed to give up and not be beaten for that decision? So back to the story. There were a couple of tears shed, not as a "i'll miss you", but rather as a "dear god please don't keave me in this hellhole". It was a very sorry sight. The room's okay now I look at it properly, I've settled in and everything is unpacked and organised (to an extent) and it looks a lot better than it did before. My fridge is still kinda crummy, it's all cracked along the bottom of the inside, one of my drawers in my wardrobe is kinda wonky and ther'es only one door for it but it seems like there's actually only supposed to be one door. As we were unpacking (before the folks left) I met Josh and Adria(sp?) and was told that Aaron was living down the hall. Josh and Adria are both older (she's 4th year and i'm not sure about him) and stayed over the summer. Josh is my next door neighbour, but I can't say i've had a conversation with him yet. Aaron is a first year but he's older. So I kinda didn't do much on friday seeing as though the place was pretty deserted. I walked to Belconnen shops and bought a couple of things that I needed; bluetack, hairspray, batteries. It's an easy walk to the shops, and they're big shops, it's a Westfield. By easy walk I mean 25minutes but I managed it without getting lost. And you walk straight through a bus interchange so I can probably get absolutely anywhere. Apparently Ascott house is the "drinking house". Shannon told me that yesterday, wonderful. Friday night I couldn't really get to sleep. I kinda didn't actually want to stay and considered chucking the entire 'higher education' thing in. Actually i'm still considering it. Woke up Saturday morning about 7, then 8, then 9, then 10 when I finally got out of bed. Adria had asked me if I wanted to go to the pub with them on Friday night but I declined, I was a bit (read: absolutely) terrified of going out with a group of people who all knew each other. And I was feeling a bit lost. Thursday, February 9 - T Guess what Dad found this morning? The SIMS2!!!!!!!!!!!!! Omg!! I was totally sleeping and he comed into my room and it like "guess what I found" and me, being half awake and still wanting to be funny says "cookies?" and he's like "no, guess again". And he seems really really happy about it so my second guess is "a cheque?" and he's like no. And he tells me that its something to do with the computer. And i'm like "REALLY!!" and I roll over and sit up. Woooooooooo! He found the SIMS! Want to know where it was? Or should I make you guess?I'm starting to get nervous. Well I feel like I should be nervous. But it's just that feeling where i'm realising that I don't know how to cook or wash and that I will starve and my clothes will smell or shrink and i'll not have any money and won't be able to buy vegetables. =S Spending today packing. I have so much stuff. Like piles and piles and bags of stuff. I don't know how it's all going to fit in the car. I had a weirdly vivid dream last night, it was about people. I'm not gonna write about it because I know who reads this... or I know some of the people that read this. Got out fortunes told at Steph's dinner party. This is mine... WILSON You are going to be the captain of an ice-breaking ship in the Antarctic. You will be very good at your job, but you will develop one or two eccentricities. You will keep a pet seal in the bathroom attached to your cabin and will enjoy luxurious baths with the seal, both of you playing with the bath bubbles. You will name it Porky. You will also spend several hours of every night ice-skating on the nearest big iceberg. You will be performing in an ice ballet choreographed by yourself. Unfortunately one night you will break a leg and retire from the sea to run a model Home for the mentally impaired, and raise butterflies together with your partner, a star graduate of the Home. It was in the filing cabinet with all the Tax stuff. Under 'T'. For Tax. Wednesday, February 8 - Fly I keep telling myself that i'm not going that far and it's only a short drive away... but there's just this feeling of "i'm going to be all alone" spreading through me. I feel like my friends wont be reachable if I need them. I feel like it's really the end of an era. No more groups. Everybody is spreading their wings and seems to be moving in completely different directions.Anyway I just got off one of those extremely stressful conversations with the people on the telephone to roll over my term deposit and I tell dad and he's like "thats not right" and "thats not what it says on this piece of paper" and "thats a bad time" and I'm all like 'arghhhhhhhhhhhh'. Well then next time splurge on petrol and take me up to the stupid bank itself so you can stand next to me and make sure I do exactly what you want me to do. Went to Steph's house last night for a good 'ole fashioned dinner party. It was really nice, the food was great and everyone had a good time. I managed to snap about a hundred photos. Hmmm... must charge camera for tonight. Maureen's par-tay tonight is gonna be the last seeing-people thing. Wow... thats scary. On a positive note I haven't gotten accommodation yet and if I don't get any I won't be able to actually go to Uni. Which means I might be staying around. Now he's saying that the bank told me a lie, or they're false advertising and he's thinking of calling them up and yelling at them. Honestly. I have to pack, and I don't want to because there's no point in packing if i'm not going to have anywhere to unpack. I had a freaky dream. Don't remember much about it. Something about being on holidays and I brought coat hangers but they all had suits attached to them. And hiding from my parents in my house for some reason. And we were either on a cruise ship of just in a holiday house or something. Ej was there. I know... really really strange. Tuesday, February 7 - Down for Mainten- I got an Evil Rating of 50 and got the job! I seem to have stopped blogging about the things that have happened to me recently. Maybe I should go back and do that. Saturday/Sunday was the Yule Ball, a small thing that Joy and I started a while ago. A small group of nice people getting together to hang out, eat dinner and watch movies all through the night. We watched Saved, then Mr and Mrs Smith, and then Chocolat. It was about 3-4am when that finished and Terry, Michael and I were the only ones awake, so we sat on the trampoline (the wet trampoline btw) until about 6:30ish when people slowly started to wake up... or be woken up. It was fun. I've given up saying "it was great" or "it was so much fun" about anything but this is one of those times that i'm tempted to take it up again. Last night (monday) was steph and my 'farewell do'. I had a good time. It was just hanging out and chatting. My brother bought me smirnoff's and I kind of drank two of them. 'Kind of' meaning I almost finished one before mother threw it out, and then michael drank some of my second one. So I'm working it out to be about 1 and a half bottles. Oh and I had a vodka shot. =) After everyone left, Megan, Rosie, Michael, Mitch and I sat on the trampoline for a while, we kept hearing a cat meowing... still no word on whether that was real or not, actually we sat on the lounge chairs and then we moved to the trampoline. At some point we reorganised and brought all our sleeping bags out and were kind of lying in a pile on the trampoline. We slept out there from about 2-3:30AM. We woke up at about 3:30 and decided to go inside because the rain was getting annoying. So we slept in the lounge room. We were up at about 11 and then sat in my room and watched supernatural and 7th Heaven. Stuff like that i'm really going to miss. Problem with university. I'm on the wait list for accommodation, which means that if enough people don't cancel then i'm going to have real problems. If there's nowhere for me to stay I won't be able to go. Which could result in nastyness. Happy Birthday Maya for yesterday!! Sunday, February 5 - Guess Who. You know who I miss from school (this is so random)? Tommy. Remember Tommy? Oh well he was a doll, always getting me in trouble in business studies because he used to have no idea what we were doing and he used to ask me questions. He was new in the beginning of year 11 like me so we had stuff in common.Can cats and dogs be friends? Like seriously, can a cat and a dog hang out and play together without wanting to fight? I think it's better to just not read old blog posts. I hate looking back, I always end up cringing and going "I really thought that?" or "That really changed" Here's excuse time... Some things I write in this blog don't exactly mean what they seem to. 50% of every paragraph is left out so don't take anything at face value. I've never actually listened to the words of "Why Not" before... I mean I know what they are but i've never listened to their meaning properly. Listening to it now, and giving Miss Duff 10 reasons Why Not. I havent written about my first RSL experience. Well.. I went to the RSL with friends from school. Um. that's about it. It was a lot bigger than I expected, I always thing of RSL clubs as old with stained carpets and beer and older people, but I was proven wrong. For most of the night it was just Terry, Ali and I lounging around telling stories. See I can't say anything because it will no doubt make things worse. Reading old blog posts is just making me unhappy (I say 'unhappy' because I think the term 'depressed' is overused). It's making me think "wow, I really hate the person I used to be" and then I think "but I havent changed that much" and then I think "wow I really dislike the person I am now" "now will you please stop the casual swearing" "hell yes" There's stuff that I just can't bring myself to say. Not in reference to blogging, in reference to real life, and talking. Things I want to say but because of circumstances I haven't yet said and know that i'll probably never say. I don't know if it's a good thing or not. It's eating my up inside but there would be no point to saying what I want to, so I won't. And nobody's going to guess. This blog takes about 10 minutes to republish, seriously. Probably because it has 730posts, meh minor detail. I was thinking of starting a new one, maybe when I go to uni, just coz it's quicker to refresh and all that. Friday, February 3 - Go get frelled... hehehehe i dont mean it! Go look at FRELLING again, I went insane... again.Thursday, February 2 - Publish Post STILL haven't heard about accommodation. Starting to get worried. Orientation starts in 9 days. Stressing.Was it a bit ridiculous to take three girls down the bush today in the 40 degree heat? Omg we almost died, it was boiling hot, and we actually went down to the old truck, which is only a 10 minute walk but its through the bush so we got cuts and scratches and spider webs and charcole and grossness. "Dad can I go to the RSL tomorrow night?" "What kind of question's that? Blowed if I know. How you gonna get there?" "I don't know, thats why I was asking for a lift" "Asking for a life were you, oooh I didn't recognise what you were asking. Who's going?" "I duno" Yeah that was the conversation we just had, n'teresting stuff yeh? Then of course I went and asked mum. =D I've been watching Stargate Atlantis recently, my brother's friend Claire gave him a downloaded version and I finally got it to work on my computer so I've watched a couple of episodes. Annoyingly it keeps being very very very slow and freezing and not responding and forcing me to restarts and all that gig. Watching my third episodes today and it freezes on a black screen and of course then I fall asleep and now I don't remember where I was up to. Not even the episode I was in. Wow I pay so much attention to these things. I'm looking up HP fanfics on and it's amazing the amount of Harry/Draco fics there are, I even found a Harry/Draco/Cedric love triange. All I want is good old fashioned Ron/Hermione stuff. But nooooo... it's all slash. Argh! Wednesday, February 1 - Everybody scream! This. Is. Driving. Me. Insane.I. STILL. Can't. Find. The. Sims. 2. I've looked everywhere, and i'm pretty sure I didn't lend it to anybody so there's just no explanation for where it could be. If I was the kind of person who would go on a rampage at school, I think this is the kind of thing that would set me off. It's just a teenie weenie thing, that is going to KILL ME! And annoyingly, before I actually bought my own copy of the sims2 stephen gave me a burnt copy, which I ALSO CANNOT FIND!!! Possibly I gave it back... hmmm... i do not remember. |
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